African Americans Who Took Omega-3s Had 83% Lower Heart Attack Risk: Recent Study

Hundreds of studies conducted over the past 80 years have found correlations between high DHA and EPA levels and improved heart health. However, researchers have begun to recognize that some variations in omega-3 study results may be due to dietary and genetic differences in the populations being studied.

A study published last year showed how some demographics may benefit far more than the general population by improving their intake of DHA and EPA. The 2024 study, published in the journal Nutrients, analyzed data from 20,000 people participating in the VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL) study.

VITAL was a multi-year research study designed to show whether taking daily supplements of vitamin D3 or DHA/EPA “reduces the risk for developing cancer, heart disease, and stroke in people who do not have a prior history of these illnesses.” The results of the VITAL study indicated a “14% risk reduction in the combined primary endpoint of relative risk and an overall 20% reduction in fatal cardiovascular events” in participants taking omega-3 supplements.

Last year’s Nutrients study of the VITAL data sought to identify whether African Americans—who have a 20% higher risk of heart disease and a 40% higher risk of stroke—had an increased benefit from taking omega-3 supplements. The analysis compared data from a selection of white and African American VITAL participants who were most similar with regard to age, smoking, medications, fish consumption, and cardiovascular risk factors.

The analysis found that African American participants in VITAL who took DHA/EPA supplements had an 83% lower risk of heart attack than those taking a placebo—far higher than the 14% risk reduction in the overall population.

The takeaway is that current research indicates that everyone benefits from a diet rich in omega-3s—but mounting evidence suggests that improved omega-3 nutrition is especially critical for some higher risk demographics.

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