Earth Day on April 22nd is the perfect day to take stock of Nutriterra’s ongoing efforts to help give people new, innovative ways of accessing good health. We have developed the world’s first plant-based source of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3, reaching new consumers who don’t like the taste of marine oils, or who are allergic to them, or who want a more ocean-friendly source of complete omega-3 nutrition.
But what does being “sustainable” mean? For Nutriterra, it means achieving the maximum possible benefit for people and society, while reducing pressure on our world’s oceans.
There are 17 interlinking Sustainable Development Goals, which are designed to work together as a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.”
Nutriterra is aligned with 5 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals:
When the Goals talk about creating a “better and more sustainable future for all,” they really do mean all. Sustainability means building, preserving, and expanding systems that contribute to human health, preserve the health of our environment, protect plants and animals, and create new economic opportunities that ensure that people have can build fulfilling and financially viable lives. Nutriterra does all of this.
We’re not done innovating yet, either. We’re continuing to work to improve Nutriterra. To deliver more omega-3 nutrition in every drop of Nutriterra DHA Omega-3 Canola oil, to further reduce the need for sourcing fish oil from ocean-caught fish, and to increase the economic benefits of growing and processing the Nuseed Omega-3 canola that Nutriterra is derived from. We’re continuing to raise the bar for being a sustainable, accessible, and ocean-friendly source of omega-3 nutrition.