Frontiers in Nutrition Publishes Nutriterra Clinical Trial

Nutriterra Clinical Trial Published in Prestigious Frontiers in Nutrition Journal

by: Dr. Barbara Davis, PhD, RD

As a new omega-3 source, it was important to demonstrate uptake and use of fatty acids from Nutriterra.  To do this, a 2-phase continuous clinical trial in healthy adults was conducted.

In Phase I, study participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups.  Depending upon their assignment, participants consumed either 0, 300, 600 or 1200 mg of omega-3s from Nutriterra.  At periodic intervals over 72 hours, blood was drawn and plasma omega-3 fatty acids were measured to monitor their appearance in the circulation.

In Phase II, participants consumed their assigned supplements for 16-weeks and had blood drawn at weeks 0, 4 and 16.  In this part of the study, whole blood and red blood cell (rbc) omega-3 fatty acids were measured to assess incorporation into red blood cells and determine changes in omega-3 status.

Clinical Study Results

Increasing levels of Nutriterra consumption resulted in increased levels of omega-3 fatty acids.  In fact, levels of DHA, the omega-3 fatty acid critical for brain health, appeared in the circulation of participants consuming the 1200 mg dose at levels that were significantly higher than the participants in the 0 and 300 mg dose.  

Nutriterra consumption for 16 weeks resulted in increased red blood cell omega-3 fatty acids.  This demonstrated that, just like other omega-3 sources (i.e., fish, fish oil and algae oil), fatty acids from Nutriterra are incorporated into red blood cell membranes.

Healthier measures of omega-3 status from Nutriterra supplementation

Adequacy of omega-3 intake can be measured in several ways.  In the Nutriterra clinical study, these assessments were evaluated.

  1. Omega 6: Omega 3 Ratio

The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids has been steadily creeping up due to an increased consumption of processed foods, meat and high omega-6 oils such as corn and soy.  This can result in increased inflammation that may be responsible for several health issues. Nutriterra consumption by study participants resulted in a statistically significant rebalancing of the ratio in favor of omega-3.

  1. Omega Index

Study participants in all groups consuming Nutriterra improved their Omega Index.  In the high and mid-dose groups, they moved into the ‘low risk’ level for both cognitive and cardiovascular health.

What it all means

Simply put, this first-in-humans clinical trial demonstrates that, just like other omega-3 sources, Nutriterra has a beneficial effect on omega-3 status in healthy adults.  When you consume Nutriterra, not only can you feel good about the fact that it is a sustainable source of plant-based nutrition, but you can feel confident that your body is using these fatty acids to improve your omega-3 status.

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