March 3rd is Global Omega-3 Day

03/03 for Omega-3. Get it?! The people behind #GlobalOmega3Day picked a clever, or at least an easy-to-remember date, but remembering to consume enough of this vital nutrient might not be. Long-chain fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, are key components of human health. Adequate consumption supports cognitive function, cardiovascular health, immune function, and vision, yet fewer than 20% of people worldwide consume the recommended amount of omega-3 to support good health. Join Nutriterra® Total Omega-3 to celebrate Global Omega-3 Day and spread awareness of the importance of omega-3 consumption worldwide.

Why is omega-3 important for good health?

Fat is an essential nutrient in any diet, and long-chain fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, are particularly important. They play a vital role in maintaining brain health, heart health, and cognitive function. DHA is present in all cell membranes, contributes to the trafficking of electrical impulses in the body, and contributes to anti-inflammatory processes. In fact, recent research suggests that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids play a vital role in regulating inflammatory responses throughout the body. Maintaining an adequate level of omega-3 DHA and EPA is essential to good health, and we know people aren’t getting enough.

Why aren’t people consuming enough omega-3?

One of the most common sources of omega-3 is fish. However, not everyone eats fish, and even those who do may not consume enough to meet their daily omega-3 needs. Moreover, there are concerns about the impact of overfishing and safety apprehensions surrounding microplastics and heavy metal contamination in wild fish. 

Furthermore, some consumers eat plant-based diets and do not want to harm fish, while others simply don’t like the taste of fish and will not only avoid fish-as-food but will avoid fish oil supplements because of the taste – and potential burp-back from fish oil supplements. 

There are many reasons people aren’t getting the recommended amount of omega-3s, and Global Omega-3 Day is the perfect time to introduce Nutriterra, a revolutionary plant-based TOTAL omega-3 that can meet more consumers’ nutritional needs without compromising their preferences. 

Nutriterra, a new source of omega-3 – bridging the gap

Global Omega-3 Day is a wonderful reminder of the vital need for more omega-3 in the diet, but what will it take to bridge the gap between knowing we need more to actually consuming more? Here’s a simple question that might help in this mission. 

If we had to start from scratch, how would we make an ideal omega-3?

Market intelligence provides some insight to what consumers want, and we will also consider supply chain stability. A better omega-3 source would meet the following criteria:

  • Plant-based: A plant-based source of omega-3 would meet more consumer needs based on diet, allergies, or flavor preferences. It would also reduce pressure on marine resources and ocean habitats.  
  • Scalable: The world’s population will reach close to 10 billion by 2050, meaning any solution to worldwide nutrient deficiencies needs to be scalable.
  • Locally produced and traceable: US production of a plant-based omega-3 reduces the carbon footprint of transporting oil from abroad and also minimizes supply chain challenges associated with catch quotas and import documentation. Ideally, stewardship and traceability will be essential in transparent sourcing. 
  • Mild tasting: A mild-tasting plant-based omega-3 ingredient designed for tolerability and ease of formulation would resolve the fish taste and burp-back issue in marine-based omega-3 sources.
  • Suitable for use in food or supplements: Many younger consumers prefer to meet their nutritional needs through diet, so the new omega-3 needs to be versatile and easy to formulate in food products and multiple dietary supplement formats.
  • Certified sustainable: Organizations like Friends of the Sea® should provide oversight and certifications for companies and products actively striving for sustainable and responsible change.
  • Deliver TOTAL omega-3 nutrition: A plant-based source of omega-3 would need to provide DHA, EPA, and ALA for total omega-3 nutrition, exceeding the nutrition of current plant and marine-based sources of omega-3.

It looks like we just described Nutriterra, the world’s first plant-based source of total omega-3 nutrition. With a focus on nutrition, sustainability, and supply chain stability – Nutriterra can double the world’s supply of omega-3 nutrition on less than 5% of current canola-producing land – we make it easy for your consumer to get the essential nutrition they need without compromising their preferences or values. Let’s celebrate!