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August 17, 2023

Sustainability Features Nutriterra in Marine Resource Issue

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New Paper Published in Sustainability on the Necessity for Developing and Adopting Plant-Based Sources of Omega-3.

This fall, the journal Sustainability will be publishing an article about how declining marine resources have fueled the development of new plant-based sources of omega-3, co-authored by members of the Nuseed and CSIRO teams, and Dr. Surinder Singh, the leader of CSIRO’s Plant Oil Engineering division. The special issue of Sustainability, “Marine Biotechnology for Sustainability of Ecologically Significant Resources,” will feature discussions of how marine biotechnologies can potentially enable social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

The paper, “New Sustainable Oil Seed Sources of Omega-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: A Journey from the Ocean to the Field,” discusses a key issue with the sourcing of omega-3 for use in dietary supplements and aquaculture, and how researchers at Nuseed and CSIRO worked jointly to innovate a solution to this problem.

For decades, dietary supplements have used fish oil as a source of omega-3. Omega-3 has long been recognized to contribute to human health in a variety of ways, including the regulation of blood pressure and blood clotting, and the proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system. The importance of omega-3 as a part of peoples’ daily diets, as well as the increasing demand for omega-3 supplements, declining marine-based resources, and increasing consumer preference for plant-based sources of omega-3, have all made it imperative for industry leaders to develop an alternative source of omega-3 that is safe and healthy for human consumption.

While some effort has been made to manufacture omega-3 fatty acids by growing algae in tanks, this approach presents significant challenges in terms of cost and resource usage.

Nuseed, joining forces with Dr. Singh’s Plant Oil Engineering team at CSIRO, instead took a different approach. Singh—who received Australia’s version of the Isaac Newton award for his work in plant oil engineering—recognized that canola could likely be bioengineered to produce oil containing omega-3 fatty acids. After years of work, the and CSIRO teams successfully transferred the omega-3 producing genetics of microalgae into canola, ultimately producing Nutriterra, a commercially viable, proprietary plant-based source of omega-3 that has the same benefits to human health as traditional sources of omega-3.

Dr. Singh’s expertise, insights, and contributions have been integral to the development of Aquaterra. We hope you’ll take the time to read the full article, and learn more about the development of plant-based sources of omega-3 like Nutriterra, and the present and future potential of this technology.

December 5, 2022

Omega-3 from Birth for a Lifetime of Cognitive Health

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“The time to worry about dementia is 30 years before it happens”

Brain Health and Education Research Institute

Approximately half of the brain is composed of fat, and 10-20 percent of that fat is omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA are key components of human health, and adequate consumption supports cognitive function, cardiovascular health, immune function, mental health, and vision. Furthermore, DHA is present in the membranes of nerve cells, and contributes to the trafficking of electrical impulses and the function of neurotransmission and is thought to contribute to anti-inflammatory processes.

We know the brain needs DHA. That is why it is included in infant formula and used as a supplement for cognitive health in aging populations. New research indicates that omega-3 can support brain health throughout our lives. A recent study, Association of Red Blood Cell Omega-3 Fatty Acids with MRI Markers and Cognitive Function in Midlife: The Framingham Heart Study (1), published in Neurology indicates that higher red blood cell levels of omega-3 were associated with better brain structure and cognitive function in healthy, middle-aged subjects. This is another piece of evidence that omega-3 is not just for the very young and the very old, it is important for all the years in between too, yet fewer than 20 percent of US consumers are getting enough DHA through their diets. Supplementation is one of the most effective ways to increase consumption and therefore increase levels of omega-3 in red blood cells.

Increasing Omega-3 Accessibility

While we do not know the optimal amount of DHA for brain health, we do know that at least eighty percent of the population needs to consume more. This nutrition gap can be attributed to many factors, including changing consumer preferences and an imbalance in the omega-6:omega-3 ratio in the modern food supply. So, how do we increase consumption, and do we have the resources and raw materials to help everyone meet their omega-3 needs?

Until recently, DHA and EPA were found exclusively in marine sources, mostly fish and algae. With Nutriterra® Total Omega-3, derived from Nuseed® Omega-3 Canola, there is now a new source for these essential nutrients.

Nutriterra is a plant-based source of omega-3 that supplies seven long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including DHA, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). Nutriterra Total Omega-3 removes many barriers to supplementing with omega-3. It is mild tasting, easy to digest, and derived from canola, so people with plant-based diets or seafood allergies can get enough DHA to support brain health.

Proactive Supplementation and Cognitive Health: Common Sense and Science Converge

Aging is inevitable, cognitive decline as a result of inflammation and nutritional deficiencies is not. We can be proactive in protecting brain health by eliminating the gap between how much omega-3 is needed and how little is consumed.

DHA supplementation is not just for the very young or the very old. Omega-3 is foundational to brain health and function and plays an important role in maintaining a healthy inflammatory response. Plant-based Nutriterra reduces demand on ocean resources and expands accessibility of essential omega-3 fatty acids.

August 24, 2022

Dietary Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio Increasing

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The Ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 in Human Diets is Increasingly & Concerningly High

It is well known that diets around the globe are increasingly rich in omega-6 fatty acids, while consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has been on the decline for decades. An article recently published in the Journal of Lipids, “Overconsumption of Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) versus Deficiency of Omega-3 PUFAs in Modern-Day Diets: The Disturbing Factor for Their “Balanced Antagonistic Metabolic Functions” in the Human Body.” (1) highlights just how out of balance this ratio has become, and why it is cause for attention.

Omega-6 and omega-3 have opposing effects on the body, a healthy balance is key.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) play important roles in the body.  They regulate numerous biological functions, including blood pressure and blood clotting to the correct development and functioning of the brain and nervous system.  As structural components of cell membranes, they ensure, for example, fluidity of blood vessels and skin.  PUFAs also play important roles in the transmission of signals in the body which are important for, among other things, immune regulation and inflammation (2).

Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are two classes of PUFAs that both play critical yet opposing functions; their balance favors appropriate growth, development and health.  Since these essential fatty acids cannot be made by humans and other mammals, they must be derived from the diet.

Western diets have become extremely heavy in foods containing omega-6 fatty acids, while omega-3 consumption has declined.

Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA are concentrated in fish and algae, while nuts, eggs, avocados, oily seeds like chia and flax, and the meat of pasture-raised animals can be good sources of ALA. Omega-6 is concentrated in vegetable oils, margarine, and grain-fed animal meats.

Western diet trends over the last several decades have intensified the imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Consumption of vegetables, fish and oily seeds have declined, while consumption of processed foods containing vegetable oils with higher omega-6 fatty acids have soared. Meanwhile, industrialized livestock production now favors grain-based diets, producing beef and poultry that contain elevated levels of omega-6.

Prior to the development of modern agriculture, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in human diets was in the range of 1-2 to 1. Today, it is averaging 20 to 1 (3).

The ubiquity of vegetable oils in our food system makes rebalancing omega-6: omega-3 ratios through dietary changes difficult. Functional foods and nutritional supplementation can make it easier to consume more long-chain fatty acids.

Nutriterra Total Omega-3 can help restore balance in the omega-6: omega-3 ratio. While typical canola oils still favor omega-6 with a 2:1 ratio, the molecular biologists at Nuseed developed our canola to produce more longer chain omega-3 fatty acids and shift the balance of omega-6: omega-3 to 1:4.

We will collaborate with food and nutrition formulators to increase the availability and consumption of plant-based omega-3.

June 16, 2022

Finalist for Nutra Ingredients Research Project of the Year

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Every year the nutraceutical magazine Nutra Ingredients recognizes the most innovative ingredients, finished products, and research in the nutrition and dietary supplements industry. They field hundreds of submissions from companies looking to bring attention to new products and projects. Finalists are selected within 17 categories. We are thrilled that the development and validation of Nutriterra Total Omega-3 is honored as a finalist for the specialty award, Nutrition Research Project of the Year.

The submission we made for this award highlights both the development of Nutriterra and the clinical trials we conducted to verify efficacy in humans. Nutriterra was shown to be bioavailable and utilized similarly to fish oil, raising indices of omega-3 status in study participants. We also emphasized why Nuseed’s innovation is essential to increasing access to high quality omega-3 nutrition.

Nutriterra is Game Changer

Nutriterra is a scientific breakthrough in addressing two major challenges in omega-3 nutrition: supply constraints and insufficient consumption. More than 90% of the long-chain omega-3 options currently on the market are derived from fish oil. This is a limited resource and supply is not regenerating as quickly as the demand for these ingredients is growing. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) the percentage of biologically sustainable fish stocks have decreased from 90% in 1974 to 65% in 2017.

Additionally, fewer than 80% of the population is consuming the recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids, due to a limited amount of seafood in the diet and sensory experiences with fish oil supplements. Fish oils can have a strong taste or aroma that consumers don’t enjoy. They can also cause burp back, bringing a fishy experience back throughout the day. There is a growing interest in plant-based nutrition, for taste preferences as well as environmental and health concerns.

Nuseed solved both challenges by developing a new plant-based Total Omega-3 that is effective, renewable, and mild tasting by introducing microalgae genetics into canola.

Scalable and Uncompromising

Designed for rapid scaling, Nuseed uses existing infrastructure to grow and process the canola seed into a finished oil suitable for food and supplementation. This crop can double the world’s supply of long-chain fatty acids on less than 5% of current canola production land, which reduces pressure on the ocean to supply these essential nutrients.

Our independent research reveals that more than 2/3rds of consumers are deeply concerned about ocean health, and Nutriterra provides an option to meet dietary recommendations without impacting ocean habitats. Consumers also indicate an openness to plant-based alternatives if the taste is as good or better than the original source. More than 90% of the participants in our clinical trial indicated that Nutriterra was well tolerated and easy to consume.  Nutriterra provides consumers access to nutrition without compromise, whether looking for an omega-3 that meets their dietary, taste, or ethical preferences.

Watch the Awards

This project exemplifies the type of breakthroughs necessary to support human health and consumer demand for environmentally responsible, plant-based nutrition. NutraIngredients will virtually present the awards ceremony from Chicago on July 13 at 11:00 am. You can register to watch it live here.

April 21, 2022

FDA Affirms Food Safety

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FDA Concludes Nutriterra® Total Omega-3 Food and Feed Safety Evaluation

The FDA’s New Plant Variety consultation is a voluntary, yet rigorous, evaluation of safety and regulatory compliance. Nuseed Nutritional consulted with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a comprehensive safety, nutritional and regulatory assessment of Nuseed Omega-3 Canola, including using Nutriterra® in food.

We collect a lot of data in creating a new-to-the-world source of total omega-3 nutrition. Our safety evaluations included tests for allergens, pesticides, toxins, and other contaminants you wouldn’t want in your food. We analysed environmental impact and performed animal feeding trials and human clinical trials. Nutriterra undergoes multiple quality and content tests every time we turn seed grain into oil.

We voluntarily submitted over 350 pages of data and more than 100 references to support our assertions that Nutriterra is safe for use in food and delivers increased omega-3 over conventional canola. At the conclusion of the review, the FDA issued a letter that they have no further safety, regulatory or compliance questions.

Does this mean Nutriterra is FDA approved?

The result of this consultation is that Nutriterra does not require FDA approval. FDA’s letter acknowledges our conclusion that its use in food is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) and does not raise issues that would require premarket review or approval by FDA.

Why does Nutriterra need to be evaluated for safety?

The New Plant Variety Consultation is a voluntary premarket review. While there is no requirement, we value the insights and expertise of the FDA in evaluating the safety and legality of foods produced from new plant varieties. We pursued this consultation because Nuseed Omega-3 canola is distinctly different from conventional canola. It offers increased omega-3s and improves the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 (from 2:1 to 1:4) when compared to conventional varieties. Derived from Nuseed Omega-3 Canola, Nutriterra Total Omega-3 oil provides seven omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids including DHA, EPA, and ALA.

While we are confident in our products, the additional FDA scrutiny provides assurance to our customers that including Nutriterra in their formulations will not present any safety or regulatory challenges.

This validation means US food manufacturers can confidently use Nutriterra as a plant-based alternative to marine oils for these essential nutrients.

Does the world need a new omega-3?

Fewer than 20%* of US consumers are meeting the daily recommended intake of omega-3. Our proprietary research indicates that taste, tolerability, and dietary preference lead objections to fish oils. Moreover, many consumers prefer functional food to meet their nutritional needs. Nutriterra’s mild taste ensures ease of formulation.

The FDA’s affirmation reinforces the importance of our plant-based innovation and supports our advancement into functional food. By providing a good source of omega-3 nutrition, Nutriterra can attract new consumers and help more people meet their dietary requirements through everyday food and drinks.

Other Regulatory Advancements

Nuseed previously obtained human food and animal feed approvals in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada and is progressing with additional regulatory applications in other key markets around the world. Last year the FDA recognized Nutriterra as a New Dietary ingredient, making it available for use in dietary supplements. Plant based is a rapidly growing omega-3 category, and Nutriterra provides a safe and effective alternative to marine oils for food or supplementation.

March 17, 2022

Frontiers in Nutrition Publishes Nutriterra Clinical Trial

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Nutriterra Clinical Trial Published in Prestigious Frontiers in Nutrition Journal

by: Dr. Barbara Davis, PhD, RD

As a new omega-3 source, it was important to demonstrate uptake and use of fatty acids from Nutriterra.  To do this, a 2-phase continuous clinical trial in healthy adults was conducted.

In Phase I, study participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups.  Depending upon their assignment, participants consumed either 0, 300, 600 or 1200 mg of omega-3s from Nutriterra.  At periodic intervals over 72 hours, blood was drawn and plasma omega-3 fatty acids were measured to monitor their appearance in the circulation.

In Phase II, participants consumed their assigned supplements for 16-weeks and had blood drawn at weeks 0, 4 and 16.  In this part of the study, whole blood and red blood cell (rbc) omega-3 fatty acids were measured to assess incorporation into red blood cells and determine changes in omega-3 status.

Clinical Study Results

Increasing levels of Nutriterra consumption resulted in increased levels of omega-3 fatty acids.  In fact, levels of DHA, the omega-3 fatty acid critical for brain health, appeared in the circulation of participants consuming the 1200 mg dose at levels that were significantly higher than the participants in the 0 and 300 mg dose.  

Nutriterra consumption for 16 weeks resulted in increased red blood cell omega-3 fatty acids.  This demonstrated that, just like other omega-3 sources (i.e., fish, fish oil and algae oil), fatty acids from Nutriterra are incorporated into red blood cell membranes.

Healthier measures of omega-3 status from Nutriterra supplementation

Adequacy of omega-3 intake can be measured in several ways.  In the Nutriterra clinical study, these assessments were evaluated.

  1. Omega 6: Omega 3 Ratio

The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids has been steadily creeping up due to an increased consumption of processed foods, meat and high omega-6 oils such as corn and soy.  This can result in increased inflammation that may be responsible for several health issues. Nutriterra consumption by study participants resulted in a statistically significant rebalancing of the ratio in favor of omega-3.

  1. Omega Index

Study participants in all groups consuming Nutriterra improved their Omega Index.  In the high and mid-dose groups, they moved into the ‘low risk’ level for both cognitive and cardiovascular health.

What it all means

Simply put, this first-in-humans clinical trial demonstrates that, just like other omega-3 sources, Nutriterra has a beneficial effect on omega-3 status in healthy adults.  When you consume Nutriterra, not only can you feel good about the fact that it is a sustainable source of plant-based nutrition, but you can feel confident that your body is using these fatty acids to improve your omega-3 status.

January 24, 2022

Fats 101: Facts About Fats and Why We Need Them

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Over the years, we’ve been bombarded with advice to choose low-fat or no-fat options, but then we see reports on the importance of consuming ‘good’ fats. According to recent consumer research from the International Food Information Council (IFIC), confusion about fats is a common struggle for many.

This infographic was designed to help simplify things and better communicate our current understanding about fats.

Nutriterra - 3 Fat Facts

And here’s more on what you need to know about fats.

Fat is an essential nutrient in the diet.

Our bodies use it for energy and to make hormones and other molecules. It also insulates and plays a structural role in our bodies, protecting cells and organs. Fats are a critical part of the membranes that surround each cell.  In this role, they allow nutrients to enter and toxins to exit.  They also play another important role in our diet, by telling us when it’s time to stop eating.

These are just a few of the reasons as to why we should include fat in our diets.

There are several types of fats.

This is where confusion creeps in for people who are trying to improve their diets but hear mixed messages about whether they should eat fat and, if so, what types.   To clarify, there are saturated fats, unsaturated fats and trans fats.

Saturated fats: Saturated fats are generally in foods from animals, particularly beef and poultry, as well as in dairy products.

Unsaturated fats: Unsaturated fats are largely found in plants, seeds, and nuts, as well as in fish and other seafood.  

Trans fats:  Processed foods, especially those which are made with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil, may contain trans fats.  This type of fat has been altered during processing and are associated with negative health consequences.

Both saturated and unsaturated fats play important roles in the body, but balance is key.  In general, consuming less saturated fat from meat and dairy, while consuming more unsaturated fat from sources such as avocados, fish, and nuts, is considered healthy.  Intake of trans fat, found in snacks and confections, should be minimized.  

While unsaturated fats are considered healthier than saturated fats, some types of unsaturated fats are healthier than others.

Unsaturated fats can be further divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.  There needs to be balance in the types of polyunsaturated fats we consume.  This is especially challenging because many of the vegetable oils in foods we eat are high in omega-6 and low in omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.  Over the past few decades, our omega-6 to omega-3 ratio has become unbalanced, favoring fats rich in omega-6, to a degree that can contribute to inflammation.

Don’t be afraid to eat fat, just remember to make smart choices.

  • Balance fat intake by consuming saturated fats in moderation.
  • Choose foods and oils with more omega-3 and less omega-6 fats.
  • Eat more fish or consider supplementing your diet with omega-3 oils to keep a healthy fat ratio.

Nutriterra® Total Omega-3 was designed to help rebalance your fat intake.   Nutriterra oil is rich in omega-3 and lower in omega-6 fats to make it easier to consume a healthier ratio.

September 30, 2021

Nutriterra Conducts New Omega-3 Consumer Research

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There’s a myth that the Omega-3  category is mature, without room for growth. If this were true, American consumers would be meeting the minimum daily recommended intake of 500 mg per day. But 83% don’t. The average US consumer is only ingesting 80 mg per day, and plant-based consumers are even more deficient without seafood and eggs in their diet.

It’s easy to assume that consumers don’t understand the importance of omega-3 for nutrition, but this is also a myth. Most consumers do understand the importance of omega-3 nutrition, especially for heart health and overall wellness, they just haven’t found an omega-3 supplement that meets their needs.

Nuseed conducted research to understand sentiment toward omega-3s in general and to gauge specific interest in Nutriterra Total Omega-3, our plant technology that delivers a sustainable source of DHA+EPA and ALA.

The survey was conducted in partnership with Qualtrics and included over 1200 current VMS consumers. Participants were screened to emphasize Gen Z and Millennials (64%) and current or previous omega-3 users (84%).

Key findings included:

·        64% of consumers prefer a plant-based omega-3 when presented an alternative to fish oil

·        Biotechnology is embraced by younger consumers and those who identify as health enthusiasts

·        Only 1 in four consumers are aware of non-fish sources of omega-3

·      Ocean health is a top concern for 2/3 of consumers

One of the most positive findings in our consumer research is that 64% of respondents would prefer a plant-based omega-3 oil. Interestingly, there was a 24% increase (from 40%) in a plant-based omega-3 preference after reading Nutriterra’s product description.

Many consumers who initially preferred fish oil omega-3 switched their preference after reading the product description, which indicates that consumers will opt for an alternative that meets sensory preferences without compromising environmental health or nutritional needs.

With Nutriterra, consumers take comfort that omega-3 canola oil is reducing pressure on wild fish stocks to protect ocean habitats for future generations. For improved nutrition, Nutriterra provides a total omega-3 oil with DHA+EPA+ALA in one source. To encourage continued us, Nutriterra offers a neutral taste and aroma to overcome sensory objections consumers experience with marine-based oils.

With over 90% of consumers recognizing the advantages of taking this product over fish and algae sources, Nutriterra will disrupt the omega-3 category.

Stay tuned for more consumer research to follow, as we dive deeper into users’ perceived benefits, barriers, and concerns.

August 13, 2021

FDA Accepts Nutriterra® is a Safe New Dietary Ingredient

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Nutriterra received notice from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) acknowledging Nutriterra® Total Omega-3 as a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI).

So, does this mean that Nutriterra® is “approved?” Well, yes and no. The FDA doesn’t “approve” new ingredients as much as they evaluate conclusions of safety. This recognition as an NDI means Nuseed’s regulatory team submitted data to support Nutriterra oil is safe for human use in dietary supplements. The FDA accepted the team’s analysis without objection.

Many new ingredients enter the dietary supplement market each year without an FDA review. While the process is time-consuming and rigorous, this acknowledgment provides confidence in our commitment to safety and quality. This is especially important for Nutriterra, as consumers gain more comfort with biotech ingredients.

Unlike many other biotech products on the market, which emphasize grower benefits like pest resistance, Nutriterra offers clear consumer benefits. Nuseed created the world’s first plant-based total omega-3 through sophisticated biotechnology. Adding microalgae genetics to canola provides the pathway to create LC-PUFA including DHA+EPA in a sustainable, non-marine crop. Nuseed conducted robust field trials and extensive regulatory studies that have confirmed product safety, as well as its value as an effective and reliable new source of omega-3 oils.

While the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are well known, few people consume enough of these essential nutrients. Consumer research attributes this to the sensory experience and ocean health concerns of fish oil, leading to a strong preference for plant-based omega-3s. The high cost of algae oil is also prohibitive to price-sensitive consumers. With FDA recognition that Nutriterra is a safe new dietary ingredient, Nutriterra can attract new, progressive consumers and invigorate the omega-3 category.

June 23, 2021

Nutriterra Now Friend of the Sea Certified

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Friend of the Sea, the global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, is pleased to certify Nutriterra as a sustainably produced source of omega-3. Therefore, Nutriterra can now display the Friend of the Sea logo that proves its commitment to sustainable production practices.

Furthermore, Nutriterra joins Aquaterra as the first products to receive the new plant-based certification from Friend of the Sea.

Nutriterra Total Omega-3 is an innovative plant-based source of omega-3. Marine-based sources of omega-3 are rich in DHA+EPA, while canola inherently supplies ALA. Nutriterra, derived from Nuseed omega-3 Canola, contains DHA+EPA and ALA, covering the spectrum of short and long-chain fatty acids.

Nutriterra has been developed with innovative biotechnology to deliver the nutrition of microalgae through the renewable canola seed. By investing in scientific research, Nuseed and its partners developed a sustainable source of plant-based omega-3 that spares the oceans and protects the land, meeting Friend of the Sea certification guidelines.

“Consumers are deeply concerned about ocean health. Nuseed’s sophisticated technology has the potential to double the world’s supply of DHA without depleting ocean resources. Consumers are also looking for better tasting options. Nutriterra provides total omega-3 nutrition with a milder sensory experience than marine oils.” says Benita Boettner, Nuseed Nutritional General Manager.

Canola is a rotational crop that improves soil and increases yield in subsequent plantings. The Friend of the Sea logo granted to Nutriterra guarantees the sustainable production of these crops and respect of the following criteria:

Safeguarding of the ecosystem.

  • Protection of wild fauna and flora.
  • Protection of soil and water resources.
  • Prohibition of the use of dangerous substances.
  • Responsible waste and energy management.
  • Social responsibility of the whole chain.
  • Legal compliance.

Additionally, by using canola instead of fish for Omega-3 production, Nutriterra takes pressure off the oceans’ precious natural resources. Nutriterra can double the world’s supply of omega-3 nutrition on less than 5% of current canola-producing land. And by growing omega-3 canola we release less GHG than harvesting wild fish by boat.

“We’re thrilled to see how innovation can support sustainability efforts. Nutriterra is a good example of this. We’re pleased to announce the certification of this new ingredient from the Nuseed family who has shown a strong commitment to sustainable practices”, said Paolo Bray, CEO and Founder of Friend of the sea.

For more information on the Friend of the Sea mission and certification process visit friendofthesea.org.

May 14, 2021

Nutriterra Joins the United Nations Global Compact

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Nuseed Nutritional is now a signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact.

Nutriterra® by Nuseed Nutritional supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Nutriterra is committed to making the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations, and to engaging in collaborative projects which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” At Nutriterra, we aim to progress the goals of Zero Hunger; Good Health and Well-Being; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Climate Action; Life Below Water; and Life on Land.

Nutriterra embodies these goals with the advanced plant genetics that preserve ocean resources, rebuild soil, improve farmer livelihoods, and nourish people.

Nutriterra is the world’s first plant-based total omega-3, including DHA+EPA and ALA. We ensure consumers are receiving the highest quality omega-3 product on the market through sustainable practices that do not harm the land or marine environments. Nutriterra Omega-3 meets the high standards for quality and is produced under the highest standards of traceability and responsible stewardship. The verification process requires a detailed chain of custody records throughout the entire production, and the finished product is traceable from soil to oil.

For more information about our sustainability efforts and alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, visit our website's Sustainability page!

January 7, 2021

Quality Control in Omega-3 Canola Production

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How Nutriterra Maintains Quality

Over the past 20 years, demand for omega-3 has outpaced supply, and cannot be met without depleting marine sources.

That’s why Nutriterra set out to develop a plant-based source of omega-3, which provides total omega-3 nutrition including DHA, EPA, and ALA. Until now, DHA and EPA were only found in marine sources such as wild fish and algae. We utilize biotechnology to deliver the nutrition of microalgae through renewable, sensory neutral canola.

Nutriterra, derived from Nuseed Omega-3 Canola, is produced under the highest standards of traceability and responsible biotech stewardship. What this means is that we maintain a detailed chain of custody records throughout the entire production chain, from soil to oil.

omega-3 canola production

Overseeing Quality Control of Omega-3 Production

Our growers accept significant responsibility when they become part of Nutriterra’s identity preserved supply chain. They maintain field borders so that our proprietary canola is isolated from undesirable canola genetics. All equipment and grain bins are thoroughly cleaned before and after contact with Omega-3 Canola. Nuseed representatives use satellite technology and in-field scouting to monitor crop development. And fields producing Omega-3 canola cannot be planted with other brassicas for a period of at least three years.

Once seed quality is validated, Nuseed picks up the harvest from the field and continues to trace transport all the way to the oil crush facilities. All this activity is carefully documented, and records are maintained to trace any potential exposure to conventional canola.

Why We Do It

What all this effort creates is peace of mind. Our consumers are passionate about traceability, and we provide certainty that what we sell is pure and meets the highest quality standards.

Nuseed growers know better than anyone how high our standards are, especially when it comes to ensuring traceability and quality. Nuseed Omega-3 canola, the seed oil source of  Nutriterra, is ensuring economic stability for American farmers, so they can remain stewards of the land for generations to come.


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